Dan Beachy-Quick & Srikanth Reddy
Four Riddles
this body is a technique
that hungers machine-like
but no machine
stands so shy on stilts
what teems below appears as
but there is no disorder
just a chaos called satiety
when it draws near
just a chaos to convince
I am a threat that don’t exist
my face is a mirror’s trick
I plunge through to eat
I keep myself in my own eye
then curl my neck into an S
when I’ve conquered then I retreat
I am an assembly of ramifications & trash
hair spit & mud pages from books
ripped leaves of grass between heaven & earth
suspended I sing who am I
With my mouth full I’m a repurposed nursery
but mouth full of sky I’m a funeral wreath
Woven into my body the butterfly’s wing
that touched off a tempest effect & cause
the spider’s fatal silk new feathered with moss
cause & effect yarn & time
When the serpent sheds her mobile home
it finds a new home gathered into my cup
O who am I what am I
Call me a world call me a source
Hold me up to the sun to find another
Sun floating inside the sky inside the
World you call me a source turning
Itself inside-out what is born is born
By breaking the limit that defines
The true from the truant horizon that curves
Then crumbles, call me but call quietly
Here is a center but I shatter
Step out of myself and expand
Once I was empty and swallowed a world
It worked its way through me like pain
my jaw unhinged my body all throat
But I was still empty put my head in a hole
worked my way through it curled up inside
filling the whole not unlike sleep
When I woke everything looked young
but my skin felt old I crawled through it
into a new world though I was empty still
Things were beginning to circle around
the sun the seasons the clouds the creatures
so I swallowed my end and I was the world
forever empty but full of hunger itself